You can access these pages quickly by using the Help button under Utilities on every 5eTools page.
Generic List Page:
Many pages on 5etools are a variation on alistpage
; that is, a page featuring a list down the left side and content on the right hand side.
The link below provides an overview of the generic features of all list pages and the rest of the links only detail the features specific to that page.
s found throughout the booksbooks
on 5eToolsbook
es and subclass
es on 5eToolsbackground
s on 5eToolsfeat
s on 5eToolsrace
s and subrace
s on 5eTools, now called “Species”4d6
and point-buyadventure
books on 5eToolsadventure
s and demonic boon
on 5eToolstrap
s and wilderness hazard
s on 5eToolsbook
s and adventure
from an adventure
on one pageaction
s on 5eToolsbastions
s on 5eToolsmonsters
s on 5eToolsconditions
s, disease
s and status
effects on 5eToolsdeck
s on 5eToolsdeity
s on 5eToolsitems
s on 5eToolslanguage
s on 5eToolsreward
s on 5eToolspsionic
talents on 5eToolsspell
s on 5eToolsvehicles
s on 5eToolsrecipe
s on 5eToolsHow have you ended up here?