This guide will help you to determine if your error is; a Roll20 issue, a compatibility issue, a VTTES issue, or data corruption.
You MUST do these steps prior to getting live help.
Confirm your issue is not already covered in the Known Issues or FAQ
Confirm you are using either Chrome or Firefox. While other browsers may work you must confirm if the issue occurs in the supported browser.
Confirm your browser is using the most current version.
Confirm VTTES is up to date. (check the VTTES Discord server #announcements
Use CTRL + F5 to reload the game.
If the issue occurs again, choose a different (preferably new) D&D 5e game and enter it and see if the issue persists. If the issue does not persist, your issue is likely a corrupted betteR20 configuration file.
Trying connecting with both Chrome and Firefox (and their private modes) to see if the problem is a setting problem.
If the issue doesn’t persist, delete cookies and close & restart the browser
If the issue persists:
If that doesn’t work your issue needs to be reported to the developer team.
You will need to document the reproduction steps, and provide any console errors.
¶ To provide console errors
Press F12 or Ctrl+Shift+J
Make sure theconsole
tab is selected. The messages that are in red are the relevant ones.
Screen shot those.
Connect to the 5eTools Community Discord
VTTES Discord server has a set of rules of that must be followed listed in #issues
. Take your error, fill out the form listed in #issues
and post it in the #issues-and-support-discussion
**ISSUE**: a brief summary of the issue
**STEPS**: the reproduction steps need to reliably generate the issue(s)
**BROWSER**: what browser and the version of the browser you are using
**PATREON USERSCRIPT**: are you using the userscript? If so, what version?
**EXTENSION(s)**: what extensions are you running when the error presents.
**CONSOLE**: attach the screen shots of the console error message(s)
(for someone reporting that an adventure is incomplete after importing)
From chrome I access my roll20 D&D 5e game
I enter the game as the GM
All the characters have a `TK` box next to them
I click upon the Film icon next to page toolbar
I copy my animated video link ``
It reports that its an invalid URL despite it working on YouTube
NO animated background results where it should be playing
From the description we can identify lots of things that can help the user have a better experience than they were before. Also, it helps us identify spelling & simple typo issues (which you’d be surprised by how often that occurs)
Make sure you test if your issue occurs in a supported browser.
Only Chrome and Firefox are officially supported.
You can report issues that occur in other browsers, but you must state what the results were with the supported browsers. THEN state the issue and your the browser you are using, and that you understand it is not supported.
Specify your versions
Saying “current” often doesn’t mean you are. You knowing and stating your version does.
Declaring you have the “current version” doesn’t mean you are using the current version. It most often suggests you are making an assumption, and that you didn’t read or completely follow the troubleshooting.
Stating the version indicates that you’ve checked and confirmed such.
You may use a browser detection site to check if what you’re using really is up to date.
The only offically supported extensions are VTTES, uBlock Origin, Tampermonkey, & Beyond20.
The known in compatibilities are listed in VTTES Discord server #known issues
¶ To provide console errors
Press F12 or Ctrl+Shift+J
Make sure theconsole
tab is selected. The messages that are in red are the relevant ones.
Screen shot those.
Connect to the VTTES Discord server#issues-and-support-discussion
This tool is meant for use in your own campaigns. It should only be used on campaigns with content that you legally possess. Even if using it only on your own previously uploaded content, the use of this tool may still be against the Roll20 Terms of Service.
Justas and VTTES are not affiliated with BetteR20, 5eTools, the Norr Group, and Roll20 and is developed independently.