Previously called "ships"; These are the functional shift from the first release of the ships information when 5e initially launched, following UA "Of Ships and Sea", and then formally included with the Campaign set for Ghosts of Saltmarch.
There are two main types of vehicle data types in 5eTools, Ships and War Machines. They share many optional data, but their required fields are different.
To start, copy the following code block and fill the empty ""
"vehicle": [
"name": "",
"source": "",
"page": 0,
"vehicleType": "SHIP",
"terrain": [
"size": "",
"pace": 0,
"str": 0,
"dex": 0,
"con": 0,
"int": 0,
"wis": 0,
"cha": 0,
"action": [
"hull": {
"ac": 0,
"hp": 0,
"dt": 0
"control": [
"name": "",
"ac": 0,
"hp": 0,
"dt": 0,
"entries": [
"movement": [
"name": "",
"ac": 0,
"hp": 0,
"hpNote": "",
"isControl": false,
"speed": [
"mode": "water",
"entries": [
"weapon": [
"name": "",
"count": 0,
"ac": 0,
"hp": 0,
"dt": 0,
"entries": [
"other": [
"name": "",
"entries": [
— The name of the feat."source"
— Make sure it is the same as the "json"
key in the _meta."page"
— Page of the document the vehicle appears at (leave at 0 if not applicable)."vehicleType"
— The type of vehicle, leave as "SHIP"
for ships."terrain"
— The terrain in which the ship can traverse move through. Choose between "air",
"sea". More than one option is possible."size"
— Choose between "F"
Fine, "D"
Diminutive, "T"
Tiny, "S"
— Travel pace, measured in miles per hour, The website will autocalculate the miles per day, plus the combat speed."action"
— The entries written here will be rendered under an "Actions"
title. The crew thresholds for these actions can be defined, which will be explained in the extra fields section."hull"
— Usually the main body of the ship. The "dt"
Damage Threshold is optional."control"
— A Control section of the ship. The "dt"
Damage Threshold is optional."movement"
— A Movement section of the ship. The "dt"
Damage Threshold is optional. "hpNote"
will be shown next to the Hit Points, usually to explain how damage affects the ship's speed. If "isControl"
is set to true, the section will be named "Movement and Control"
. The "mode"
will be shown as "Speed (water)"
, "Speed (air)"
— A weapon section of the ship. "count"
will show how many stations of that type are present on the ship."other"
— A free text section, with customizable name and content.Make sure you are adding these blocks in the same level as the "name"
, "source"
, etc.
Shown after the ship's size as (80 ft. by 20 ft.).
"dimensions": [
"80 ft.",
"20 ft."
You can limit the ship's crew, passenger and cargo's capacity. Cargo is measured in tons.
"capCrew": 20,
"capPassenger": 10,
"capCargo": 1
The conditions will be automatically linked.
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
The format is "N of actions": "Minimum Crew"
"actionThresholds": {
"0": 0,
"1": 3,
"2": 20,
"3": 40
To start, copy the following code block and fill the empty ""
"vehicle": [
"name": "War Machine",
"source": "",
"page": 0,
"vehicleType": "INFWAR",
"terrain": [
"size": "C",
"weight": 0,
"speed": 0,
"str": 0,
"dex": 0,
"con": 0,
"int": 0,
"wis": 0,
"cha": 0,
"hp": {
"hp": 0,
"dt": 0,
"mt": 0
"trait": [
"name": "",
"entries": [
"actionStation": [
"name": "",
"entries": [
— The name of the feat."source"
— Make sure it is the same as the "json"
key in the _meta."page"
— Page of the document the vehicle appears at (leave at 0 if not applicable)."vehicleType"
— The type of vehicle, leave as "INFWAR"
for ships."terrain"
— The terrain in which the War Machine can traverse move through. Choose between "air"
, "land"
or "sea"
. More than one option is possible."size"
— Choose between "F"
Fine, "D"
Diminutive, "T"
Tiny, "S"
Small, "M"
"V"` Varies."weight"
— Measured in pounds."speed"
— Measured in feet. The website autocalculates the travel pace."hp"
— "dt"
is the Damage Threshold, "mt"
the Mishap one."trait"
— The traits of the Machine."actionStation"
— Will appear in their own section.You can limit the War Machine's capacity. Cargo is measured in pounds.
"capCreature": 8,
"capCargo": 2000
The conditions will be automatically linked.
"immune": [
"conditionImmune": [
How to link to a Vehicle within strings:
{@vehicle <name>|<json_in_meta>|<optional_disply_text>}
{@vehicle Galley}
{@vehicle Galley|UAOfShipsAndSea}